

Booklet text cd Bach |


Bach and the lute
(Emile Blomme/Enno Voorhorst)


What do you want to do with a lute?" Anna Bach must have asked. You can't even play it. And this lute is very expensive, up to 20 thalers! Johann Sebastian, her husband, would have replied: 'But Anna, it is a beautiful and beloved instrument. Surely you heard that when Sylvius Weiss played it the other day?

Bach was right. Lute music was booming in the 18th century, and he had quite a few lute-playing pupils: Johann Christian Weyrauch (1694-1771), Rudolf Straube (1717-1780), Christoph Nichelmann (1717-1762) and Johann Ludwig Krebs (1713-1780). He would have seen the merit in composing more for the lute. Years earlier, the Leipzig bookseller and publisher Schouster had asked him for a lute piece, now known as the 3rd Lute Suite.

In August 1739, Sylvius Weiss visited Bach for four weeks and it is likely that they played music together, Bach on the violin and Weiss on the lute. Johann Elias Bach, Johann Sebastian's nephew, who was also his private secretary at the time, described 'very beautiful music' being heard in Bach's house that summer. Weiss was the most important lutenist of his time and was the equal of Bach, Handel and Telemann. He worked at the court in Dresden, earning a princely salary that allowed him to go on concert tours. He was friends with Bach's eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann, who was organist at St Sophia's in Dresden from 1733. Weiss is even said to have challenged Johann Sebastian to a friendly improvisation contest. They played fugues and fantasies, which certainly required great skill on the lute. 

Bach himself was an outstanding violinist and organist, and, although he did not play the lute, his lute pieces capture the atmosphere of the instrument, perhaps because they were composed on a lautenwerck? The instrument called  lautenwerck was a kind of harpsichord with gut strings designed to imitate a lute. It could even fool a lutenist. Bach had two of them and, to imitate the sound of the lute even better, he had one built to his own specifications by his friend Zacharias Hildebrandt. But you already have a lautenwerck, don't you?' Anna must have said. 

As well as original works for the lute, Bach also transposed his own compositions for the lute, using the fugue from his first violin sonata, the sixth violin partita and the fifth cello suite. The fugue from his first violin sonata can be heard on this CD. As well as the following pieces:

Sonata BWV1001

Bach as a young man temporarily worked at the court in Weimar (1703) where he met Johann Paul von Westhoff, a famous violinist, whose playing must have inspired Bach to write for solo violin. Bach himself was particulary famous for his virtuosic organ playing and improvisations, but he was also a very gifted on the violinist. His son Carl Philipp Emanuel described his father’s playing as ‘neat and powerful’. Eventually, this resulted in six sonatas and partitas. The fugue from the first sonata was transcribed into a lute tablature in Leipzig by Bach's friend and lutenist Johann Christian Weyrauch. Bach's manuscript dates from 1720 with ‘Sei Solo’ on the title page. But this misspelling (plural soli) could also be a reference to the death of his first wife, Maria Barbara, who died that year as 'Sei solo' in Italian means 'you are alone'.

Allegro BWV1025

 The lute was gaining popularity and, in addition to his lute students and Sylvius Weiss, Bach also knew Adam Falckenhagen, Johann Kropfgans and probably David Kellner, who was born 10 kilometers outside of Leipzig. Suite BWV1025 was written by Bach in 1740 for violin and harpsichord, based on a lute suite by Weiss that Bach must have heard the previous summer. This piece was notated in tablature by Weiss with a fingering system that only lutenists could read. It must have taken some time to notate the lute suite in the 'normal' way. Weiss's pupil, Johann Kropfgans, together with Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, may have assisted in this process for they were both present that summer.

Prelude BWV999

This little prelude in C minor for the Lutheran church is a copy by Johann Peter Kellner, a friend of Bach's and his pupil at the Thomasschule. It is reminiscent of the opening prelude of the Well-Tempered Clavier, also in C minor, which Bach composed while working at the court of Cöthen. C minor is a difficult key to play on the lute, so BWV999 is played on the lute in the more practical D minor. This may indicate that Bach composed it on his lautenwerck, in which C is the lowest note. It was however clearly intended for the lute based on the written indication ‘pour la Luth’.

Prelude BWV823

The manuscript of BWV823 is again by Johann Peter Kellner. With only 3 movements (Prelude, Sarabande, Gigue) it is probably unfinished or incomplete. As with a lute, the bass line is less virtuosic than a harpsichord part, and the size of the sound is just as suited to a lautenwerck.  This is reason enough to think that BWV823 was also composed on a lautenwerck with the lute in mind.

Prelude BWV1007

Here is the prelude to the first cello suite and again it sounds like a composition for the lute. The six cello suites were written in Cöthen and Bach later arranged the 5th cello suite for lute. On the title page of this arrangement he dedicates the work to the aforementioned Schouster. According to the watermark in the paper, the arrangement from cello to lute must have been made between 1727 and 1731. Only one cello manuscript exists, it is in the hand of his wife Anna Magdalena. Because of the minor differences, it is assumed that Bach did not use this manuscript as the basis for the lute version, but another lost version of his own manuscript.

Suite BWV996

Bach spent most of his life in the service of the church, but from 1708 to 1717 he was court organist, chamber musician and later concertmaster to Willem Ernst, Duke of Saxen-Weimar. He then became Kapellmeister to Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Köthen until 1723, where there was no place for church music due to the monarch being a Calvinist.

BWV 996 is probably the earliest lute suite written during Bach's time in Weimar. There is no manuscript by Bach himself, although there is a copy by Johann Gottfried Walther, a friend and the town organist in Weimar.

The suite was composed in the new and fashionable French style of the time, strongly influenced by Louis XIV (1638-1715). Bach's training was traditional; the French style he had to learn as a young man. From the age of ten, when his parents died, he lived with his older brother Johann Christoph, an organist in Ohrdruf. There he completed his secondary education in just four years and won a scholarship to study at the renowned Ritteracademie in Lüneburg. From here, as a teenager, he walked several times 90 kilometres to the court of Celle. This was a very French court, with the Frenchwoman Eleonore d'Olbreuse as duchess. She employed up to 12 French musicians. With his school uniform (sword included!), Bach could enter this court as the duchess was very hospitable to students. Here he listened to concerts and ballets and made the French style his own. Later, at the courts of Weimar and Cöthen, he made grateful use of this style.

It is truly remarkable how well Bach understood the technique of playing each instrument that he wrote music for. His works are considered instrumental highlights for instruments such as the violin, cello and flute. The lute has a special place here because lutenists had to adapt the music in order to make it playable on the lute. So what made this lute so special to him? It is clear that he loved the instrument because he owned two lautenwercken and a lute that cost five times as much as his own violin. It took 253 years before in 1993 it was discovered that the harpsichord part of BWV1025 is a copy of the lute suite SC 47 by Weiss. This also clearly points to Bach’s deep relationship with the lute, much more so than was previously thought.


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Nieuwe CD uitgebracht 'Bach' | A new CD ihas been released with solo works of Bach.
On Spotify listen to:
On Youtube you find suite BWV996 :

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new CD 840 | great review of the new CD 840 in Audiophile Sound

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Romancero Gitano | May 25 en 26 I'll play with Amor Vincit under the direction of Michel de Kort; Romancero Gitano of Castelnuovo -Tedesco.

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Alweer een mooie recensie | In theEGTA magazine (European Guitar Teachers Association) appeared this great review of Concerto Métis.

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Four stars for Concerto Métis | A good review from Pizzicato

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CD Release | September 29 will be the the release date of the CD 'Concerto Metis. This CD is completely dedicated to Roland Dyens who passed away october 2016. It contains the famous guitar concerto of this composer, here performed with 'The String Soloists'. The release is together with the promotion Action of Aangenaam Klassiek and there will be two short concerts in Driebergen and Soest.
Information you can find at Aangenaam Klassiek.

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Duo Macondo bij het Hezenberg Midzomer Muziekfestival | Hattem is nieuw muziekfestival rijker
HATTEM – Op zaterdag 16 juni 2018 organiseren de Lionsclub Hattem en de Rotaryclub Hattem-Heerde voor het eerst het Hezenberg Midzomer MuziekFestival. Dit festival met klassieke muziek vindt plaats op het terrein van het landgoed De Hezenberg. De opbrengst van het festival is voor “Bouwdorp, onderdeel van de Zomerspelen voor kinderen in Hattem” dat eind augustus wordt georganiseerd.
Bezoekers krijgen maar liefst drie concerten te horen die dag. Het festival begint om 16.00 uur met een ontvangst en een drankje. Het eerste concert vangt aan op drie locaties om 17.00 uur. Aansluitend staat er om 18.00 uur een diner op het programma, gevolgd door het tweede concert om 19.30 uur. De dag wordt afgesloten met een dessert met koffie of thee en een derde concert om 21.30 uur.
De muziek is afgestemd op de aard en omgeving van De Hezenberg; intieme, klassieke muziek, in kleine bezetting. De concertlocaties zijn in de salon van het Landhuis, buiten op de binnenplaats van het Koetshuis en in de Kapel.
In de salon van het Landhuis zal het duo Macondo te horen zijn, bestaande uit Mikhail Zemtsov, altviool, en Enno Voorhorst, klassiek gitaar. Beiden hebben een warme passie voor Zuid-Amerikaanse muziek: Mikhail Zemtsov leefde en werkte lange tijd in Mexico en Enno Voorhorst nam met groot succes verschillende CD’s op met klassieke Zuid-Amerikaanse muziek. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat de programma’s van Duo Macondo worden gedomineerd door Latijnse muziek; achter de noten ervaart men de magie van Spanje en Zuid-Amerika.
Op de binnenplaats van het Koetshuis speelt het Matangi Kwartet, inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een vaste speler op de kamermuziekpodia in Nederland en daarbuiten. Met hun gloedvolle spel en vlotte presentatie zijn Maria-Paula, Daniel, Karsten en Arno boegbeelden van een nieuwe generatie klassieke musici; communicatief, uitdagend en verfrissend veelzijdig zijn veelgebruikte typeringen voor hun optredens.
In de Kapel zingt Eva Vocaal Ensemble de sterren van de hemel. Deze zes  klassiek geschoolde, enthousiaste en charmante zangeressen richten zich in het bijzonder op het zingen van a capella-muziek, waarbij iedere stem individueel goed uitkomt, maar er vooral ook een gebalanceerde samenklank tot stand gebracht wordt.
Kaarten voor dit festival kosten €55,- en kunnen onder vermelding van naam en adres worden besteld door te mailen naar Na betaling ontvangt u de kaarten in de brievenbus. Wees er op tijd bij want er zijn maar een beperkt aantal kaarten.

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Crowdfunding started |

Dyens-Voorhorst-The String Soloists CD project

Help the Dyens-Voorhorst-The String Soloists CD project Last year the guitarist and composer Roland Dyens sadly passed away, leaving the world with the gift of his most famous masterpiece: his guitarconcerto ‘Concerto Métis’ from 1990. Unfortunately his original recording is not available anymore, that is where we come in!

With a fantastic recording the ‘Stichting Kapelconcerten’ (Foundation Chapel Concerts) intents to make this CD available again to all audiences, making sure the romantic melodies and jazz influences can still be enjoyed.

The musicians will be guitarist Enno Voorhorst and The String Soloists, just like Roland Dyens all of these musicians performed in our concert series. The recording (okt 2017) and international distribution (juli 2018) will be done by the renowned Cobra Records.

A production of this size is very expensive and this is why we need yourhelp. Support us through a gift, or choose the CD or one of the other options. With your help this project will be the crown at the almost 20 years of 'Kapelconcerten’. For more information look at

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New CD: Modinha | In September the new CD Modinha will be released with music for oboe and guitar, played by Pauline Oostenrijk and Enno Voorhorst. The CD is released and recorded by Cobra Records

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Tickets available for june 18 | Voor het concert op 18 juni is de kaartverkoop begonnen. Dit kan via email
De aanvang is 11:00 uur, St Josefstraat 111 in Tilburg. Entree bedraagt €10,-

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Macondo in Rotterdam | Concert for Pro Rege in Rotterdam

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newspaper article | de Gooi- en Eemlander van 29 september

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review Poland | The Polish Magazine 'Szesc Strun Swiata' published a great review of my last CD, Bach Pärt desPrez.

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NCRV guide | Herma Bosma wrote a nice article in the NCRV guide

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Bach, Part, des Prez verkrijgbaar. | De CD Bach, Part, des Prez is vanaf nu verkrijgbaar via

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release: Bach, Part, des Prez | The album Bach, Part, des Prez has been released! It is available at the third week of September. Already you can download the CD at Itunes and listen to it in Spotify.

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Concerts in the Amazon | The end of October Enno Vorhorst will give concerts in the Amazon. The final concert will be in in Teatro Amazonas, November 2nd in Manaus. Also he will visit villages along the Amazon river and play concerts the same way Barrios did 74 years ago.

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Opium op 4 | Monday night September 14th, Enno Voorhorst will be live radio broascasted in the program 'Opium op 4' from 22:30 until 23:30 in the Netherlands.

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Concert in Paramaribo, Suriname | The concert in de most beautiful biggest concert hall of Paramaribo was a succes! Next year again!

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Live radio broadcast | Oktober 19th Enno Voorhorst wil perform at the radio program 'Vroege Vogels'. During this program also the JanWolkersprijs 2014 will be announced. Location is 'Naturalis' in Leiden

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Free score of new guitar duo of Jorge Morel | At this website, under the button downloads you can find the score of a new guitar duo of Jorge Morel 'Recuerdos del Camino 2'. This piece was premiered August 2014 in Frómista Soain by Laura Young and Enno Voorhorst. Recuerdos del Camino nr. 1 and nr. 2 are scheduled to be filmed and broadcasted in the Netherlands this year.

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première new duo by Jorge Morel | August 27 Laura Young and Enno Voorhorst will play a new duo piece by Jorge Morel, especially composed for this occasion. The venue will be the San Martin church of Fromista in Spain, one of the oldest churches of the country.

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new management for Turkey | Zafer Yümlü of the Ensemble Feverish Music is the new management for Turkey of Enno Voorhorst. All information you can find under 'contact' of this site.

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New world premiere Jorge Morel | In August 2013 Aktas Erdogan and Enno Voorhorst played the world-premiere of the duo Recuerdos del Camino of the Argentin composer Jorge Morel. The composition has been dedicated to Enno Voorhorst and a tribute to the CaminoArtes Festival that organises every summer many guitar concerts for the Pilgrims heading to Santiao de Compostella. A documentary of this premiere was shown on television: Click here .This duo is free to download from this site (see Downloads).
Again for this year Jorge Morel composed a duo; Recuerdos del Camino II. It will be premiered august 2014 by Laura Young and Enno Voorhorst.

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Masterclass Rotterdam | Saturday July 5th, Enno Voorhorst will give a masterclass at the 'Rotterdamse gitaaracademie'

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Success in Lodi Italy | The concert in Lodi, Italy was a success and received a good review...

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Duo Macondo in Beijing | May 23rd duo Macondo will play at the 'Meet in Beijing Arts Festival'. On the programma are works of among others: Albeniz, Messiaen en Piazzolla.

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review in NRC | Daily newspaper NRC published 9-28 a very favorable review about the new CD 'Around Barrios'. Joep Stapel writes about a 'wonderfully beautiful sound' and finds this CD a must for every guitarist.

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5 stars for 'Around Barrios' | The new CD which has been released by Challenge recently 'Around Barrios' receives the maximum of 5 stars in 'Gitarre und Laute'

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